The Dos And Don’ts Of Dental Implants

Tooth implants are one of our specialities here at our Derby dental practice. We love how they can restore the appearance and function of a patient’s smile, as well as give them the confidence and freedom to show it off once again! Not to mention the restoration of biting and chewing functions that some patients struggle with through tooth loss. Whether you’ve already had your tooth implants placed or you’re just doing a spot of research, read our blog for some advice on what to do – and what not to do – to ensure they last a lifetime for your smile.

Do: Keep up the oral routine

You might think a false tooth doesn’t need any toothpaste. Wrong! Dental implants need the same great care as your natural teeth. They’re permanently in your mouth, subject to the same food particles, bacteria and plaque as your natural teeth. Since these elements can all affect your gums it follows that great oral care should be top of your list. After all, you wouldn’t want to invest in your new tooth implant, only for it to come loose when your oral care is lax.

Do: Keep visiting your dentist

This isn’t specifically about your dental implant, as it applies to your whole smile. But whatever your teeth – real, false or a combination – our experts here at our Derby dental practice can advise on all things oral health, as well as recommended treatments and that expert clean.

Don’t: Stain your dental implants smile

Although tooth implants are carefully matched to your remaining teeth, the colour can’t be changed once they’re placed. This means that if your teeth grow dull, stained or discoloured over time, we won’t be able to treat your tooth implant (though you could theoretically replace the crown). In other words, watch out for staining foods and drinks, as well as habits like smoking.

Don’t: Smoke or vape

As we’re on the topic of smoking, did you know that it’s linked to gum disease? Since gum disease can result in receding gums, it follows that tooth loss can also occur – even on a false tooth that’s implanted deep in your jaw bone. To minimise your risks, cut down or quit completely.

Do: Book Your Dental Implants with Duffield

We’re your friendly neighbourhood dentists – here to help with a whole range of oral health concerns, as well as specialist dental treatments. Book a dental implants consultation here in Derby today, and we’ll look forward to seeing you soon!